pc hx driver 128
5k card hxdc.
Apr 23, 2020
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
Mar 29, 2019
I'm here to say Google Chrome is really a fine web browser.
However, if you're going to have a w3c css checker on your site, its w3c validation.
The most secure way to avoid password exposure is to use a password manager. There are several to choose from, but GPG keys are a good approach.
To use a password manager on Ubuntu, you can use keepass2. If you're on Linux Mint, you can use pass.
From a security perspective, you should be using a password manager. The risk you're taking is that if a malicious party gets access to your password manager (or the file with the one-time password) they may be able to use your passwords to gain access to accounts that use the same password.
If a password manager is a requirement (ie for a PCI-DSS requirement) then it's probably going to be your only option.
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Bikeweek’s Best Boulevards
If you’re a city dweller, chances are you’ve probably driven past a smattering of four-wheeled vehicles that can be described as bikes.
Whether they’re parked out on the street or part of a group of friends, bike week is a good time to take a look at the city’s back alleys, medians and bicycle boulevards – otherwise known as the bicycle boulevards.
And yes, I know what you’re thinking… “Jeeves, a bicycled street with no boulevards?”
Well, a boulevard is the type of street with slow to medium speed traffic and often includes a strip of grass or planted area, giving drivers and pedestrians a safe area to ride along.
Even though I may be playing the word game a bit, the bicycle boulevards (found in many US cities, like Chicago) can be found in Europe, as well. Here’s a list of some of the more interesting.
Boston, MA
Via: Flickr
The half-mile stretch ac619d1d87
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